nice try
you could try to be a little more original.
nice try
you could try to be a little more original.
Uhm yeah... You know originality and personal style is something different. Maybe you found this Song a bit boring or w/e... but 2 ??? Same thing about your Songs, I listened to 3 different Songs and 2 of them freaked comletely out after a few seconds. Too crazy, too many high tones in there, but that's what I think about it. And in fact, I dont like them, but they are NOT bad. Just as my Song as you can see by the other votings. You voted it down because you don't liked it, not because it's bad... >:(
the transition was excellent!
thanks !
honestly what? I honestly fucked your mom last night? OOOOWNED
it's a lil goofy!
nice note writing lol
the drums sound cheezy but nice with everything else sagegoku should suck your dick
Yeah, I was kinda wasted when i made this, it sounded good at the time, so I went with it.
i'm just sitting here, listening to it, reading reviews. and i'm like shucks, i got fl studio. and the ending. I KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO GET IT GOING MAN. if you want to collab just let me know. i would LOVE to experement with the song as well!
well i hope you're planning on finishing it
i'm really likin this one. really chill just relax and let it take you away. finish it man!
i will try LOL....i get bored with them real easy :p
loved it!
awesome beat and good melodies. but man, volume is the problem! it sounds like overpowered at parts and kills meh cause i really like everything else.
but whatever, you like it loud so i won't argue :P
great song man good work.
I know what you mean, but i did try to make it better than my other song.
Age 35, Male
cool stuff
Joined on 10/31/07